Python code for common Machine Learning Algorithms
#Awesome#Here you can get all the Quantum Machine learning Basics, Algorithms ,Study Materials ,Projects and the descriptions of the projects around the web
翻译 - 在这里,您可以在网上获得所有的量子机器学习基础知识,算法,研究材料,项目以及项目描述。
#计算机科学#GUI based Smart Sudoku Solver that tries to extract a sudoku puzzle from a photo and solve it
翻译 - 基于GUI的Smart Sudoku Solver,可尝试从照片中提取数独难题并加以解决
Decision Trees, Random Forest, Dynamic Time Warping, Naive Bayes, KNN, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Mixture Of Gaussian, Neural Network, PCA, SVD, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Fitting Data to Gaus...
#计算机科学#🎨 Color recognition & classification & detection on webcam stream / on video / on single image using K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is trained with color histogram features by OpenCV.
SDN networks (Software Defined Networking ) are exposed to new security threats and attacks, especially Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. For this aim, we have proposed a model able to ...
#计算机科学#This project is for classification of emotions using EEG signals recorded in the DEAP dataset to achieve high accuracy score using machine learning algorithms such as Support vector machine and K - ...
#计算机科学#Data Science & Machine Learning projects and tutorials in python from beginner to advanced level.
#计算机科学#Objective of the repository is to learn and build machine learning models using Pytorch. 30DaysofML Using Pytorch
#计算机科学#DIAGNOSIS OF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY FROM FUNDUS IMAGES USING SVM, KNN, and attention-based CNN models with GradCam score for interpretability,
#计算机科学#Machine learning model for Credit Card fraud detection
#人脸识别#A simple, modern and scalable facial recognition based attendance system built with Python back-end & Angular front-end.
#计算机科学#Machine learning approach to detect whether patien has the diabetes or not. Data cleaning, visualization, modeling and cross validation applied
#计算机科学#Heart disease prediction and Kidney disease prediction. The whole code is built on different Machine learning techniques and built on website using Django
#人脸识别#โค้ดประกอบเนื้อหา Python Machine Learning เบื้องต้น
#自然语言处理#Machine Learning Project on Resume Screening using Python
#计算机科学#Computer Vision - Impemented algorithms - Hybrid image, Corner detection, Scale space blob detection, Scene classifiers, Vanishing point detection, Finding height of an object, Image stitching.
#计算机科学#Transfer Learning for Image-Based Malware Classification
• Proposed system enhances user experience by providing a recommendation in travel domain more specifically for food, hotel and travel places to provide user with various sets of options like time bas...
#计算机科学#Machine learning is widely used in bioinformatics and particularly in breast cancer diagnosis. In this project, certain classification methods such as K-nearest neighbors (K-NN) and Support Vector Mac...