#计算机科学#GUI based Smart Sudoku Solver that tries to extract a sudoku puzzle from a photo and solve it
翻译 - 基于GUI的Smart Sudoku Solver,可尝试从照片中提取数独难题并加以解决
This is a collection of some of the important machine learning algorithms which are implemented with out using any libraries. Libraries such as numpy and pandas are used to improve computational compl...
Forecast stock prices using machine learning approach. A time series analysis. Employ the Use of Predictive Modeling in Machine Learning to Forecast Stock Return. Approach Used by Hedge Funds to Selec...
#计算机科学#Papers and code related to 'Less Than One'-Shot (LO-Shot) Learning
#计算机科学#Feature Selection using Metaheuristics Made Easy: Open Source MAFESE Library in Python
#学习与技能提升#Machine Learning Library, written in J
#计算机科学#This is a Yoga Pose Estimation App which can be able to detect the yoga pose in real time by using posenet and KNN Classifier. Here the dataset used is custom data set which consists of 3 videos for r...
#计算机科学#Final project of IBM's course https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning-with-python on coursera
#计算机科学#Elixir library for machine learning
Karma of Humans is AI
A pure quantum knn classifier for a gated quantum computer.
#计算机科学##FakersGonnaFake: using simple statistical tools and machine learning to audit instagram accounts for authenticity
#计算机科学#It is a best Visualiser for implementing K-Nearest Neighbours Algorithm with 3 different classes i.e A,B,C. It is developed using ml5.js and p5.js.
Expert Advisor based on Falcon Template and kNN trading algorithm
#计算机科学#The biggest module developed with complete focus on Feature Selection (FS) using Meta-Heuristic Algorithm / Nature-inspired evolutionary / Swarm-based computing.
#计算机科学#Diabetes Prediction is my weekend practice project. In this I used KNN Neighbors Classifier to trained model that is used to predict the positive or negative result. Given set of inputs are BMI(Body M...
Heart disease prediction using normal models and hybrid random forest linear model (HRFLM)
Resolver Sudoku de genina.com
#计算机科学#Premier Experience for Loyal eCommerce Customers
#计算机科学#Machine Learning algorithms Implementation from Scratch