#计算机科学#『ゼロから作る Deep Learning ❸』(O'Reilly Japan, 2020)
#IOS#iOS Core ML implementation of waifu2x
#自然语言处理#This repository is the collection of research papers in Deep learning, computer vision and NLP.
#计算机科学#ONNX Runtime Server: The ONNX Runtime Server is a server that provides TCP and HTTP/HTTPS REST APIs for ONNX inference.
#自然语言处理#All my experiments with AI and ML
#计算机科学#OpenLabeler is an open source desktop application for annotating objects for AI appplications
#计算机科学#Training with FP16 weights in PyTorch
#计算机科学#Quasi-recurrent Neural Networks for Keras
#计算机科学#This system provides the facility to convert roughly hand-drawn humam face sketch image on canvas into a realistic face image by using image generative AI in a real-time.
#计算机科学#This is a project on "Stock-Market-Analysis-And-Forecasting-Using-Deep-Learning" using Pytorch, python, deep learning, gru, plotly
#计算机科学#This is a Yoga Pose Estimation App which can be able to detect the yoga pose in real time by using posenet and KNN Classifier. Here the dataset used is custom data set which consists of 3 videos for r...
simple tutorial on Machine Learning with Scikitlearn
#计算机科学#SynapseAI Core is a reference implementation of the SynapseAI API running on Habana Gaudi
#计算机科学#Proof of the concept implementation of smiles2vec paper
#计算机科学#End-to-end-tests automation framework
#计算机科学#A PyTorch-based tool for generating realistic password lists using advanced deep learning techniques.
#计算机科学#Different deep learning architectures are implemented for time series classification and prediction purposes.
Multilayer Perceptron Neural network for binary classification between two type of breast cancer ("benign" and "malignant" )using Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database
#前端开发#A PureScript, browser-based implementation of simple linear regression.