#计算机科学#PyTorch tutorials and fun projects including neural talk, neural style, poem writing, anime generation (《深度学习框架PyTorch:入门与实战》)
#计算机科学#A C++ standalone library for machine learning
翻译 - 一个用于机器学习的C ++独立库
#计算机科学#It is my belief that you, the postgraduate students and job-seekers for whom the book is primarily meant will benefit from reading it; however, it is my hope that even the most experienced researchers...
翻译 - 我相信本书主要面向的研究生和求职者将会受益于阅读它;然而,我希望即使是最有经验的研究人员也会发现它很吸引人。
#计算机科学#Java 深度学习框架
#计算机科学#PennyLane is a cross-platform Python library for quantum computing, quantum machine learning, and quantum chemistry. Train a quantum computer the same way as a neural network.
#数据仓库#C++ Implementation of PyTorch Tutorials for Everyone
翻译 - 面向深度学习研究人员的PyTorch教程的C ++实现
#计算机科学#Deep learning in Rust, with shape checked tensors and neural networks
#Awesome#JAX - A curated list of resources https://github.com/google/jax
#计算机科学#A fast, ergonomic and portable tensor library in Nim with a deep learning focus for CPU, GPU and embedded devices via OpenMP, Cuda and OpenCL backends
#计算机科学#Owl - OCaml Scientific Computing @ https://ocaml.xyz
PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Autograd Sparse Matrix Operations
#计算机科学#『ゼロから作る Deep Learning ❸』(O'Reilly Japan, 2020)
#计算机科学#Deep learning with spiking neural networks (SNNs) in PyTorch.
Introductions to key concepts in quantum programming, as well as tutorials and implementations from cutting-edge quantum computing research.
#计算机科学#Tensors and differentiable operations (like TensorFlow) in Rust
Image registration laboratory for 2D and 3D image data