Tutorials on implementing a few sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models with PyTorch and TorchText.
#计算机科学#pytorch-kaldi is a project for developing state-of-the-art DNN/RNN hybrid speech recognition systems. The DNN part is managed by pytorch, while feature extraction, label computation, and decoding are ...
翻译 - pytorch-kaldi是一个用于开发最先进的DNN / RNN混合语音识别系统的项目。 DNN部分由pytorch管理,而特征提取,标签计算和解码则通过kaldi工具箱执行。
In PyTorch Learing Neural Networks Likes CNN、BiLSTM
#计算机科学#A Deep Learning library for EEG Tasks (Signals) Classification, based on TensorFlow.
#区块链#Predict Cryptocurrency Price with Deep Learning
#计算机科学#Forecasting electric power load of Delhi using ARIMA, RNN, LSTM, and GRU models
#计算机科学#Neural Machine Translation with Keras
#计算机科学#Keras tutorial for beginners (using TF backend)
#时序数据库#ConvLSTM/ConvGRU (Encoder-Decoder) with PyTorch on Moving-MNIST
Master Deep Learning Algorithms with Extensive Math by Implementing them using TensorFlow
#计算机科学#🔬 Nano size Theano LSTM module
In this project, we will compare two algorithms for stock prediction. First, we will utilize the Long Short Term Memory(LSTM) network to do the Stock Market Prediction. LSTM is a powerful method that ...
#计算机科学#Recurrent Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) with Connectionist Temporal Classification implemented in Theano. Includes a Toy training example.
OpenTextClassification is all you need for text classification! Open text classification for everyone, enjoy your NLP journey! 这可能是目前为止最全面的开源文本分类项目,支持中英双语、多种模型、多种任务。
#计算机科学#This is the end-to-end Speech Recognition neural network, deployed in Keras. This was my final project for Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree @Udacity.
#计算机科学#RNN and general weights, gradients, & activations visualization in Keras & TensorFlow