#自然语言处理#all kinds of text classification models and more with deep learning
翻译 - 各种文本分类模型以及更多深度学习
#自然语言处理#Text classification models implemented in Keras, including: FastText, TextCNN, TextRNN, TextBiRNN, TextAttBiRNN, HAN, RCNN, RCNNVariant, etc.
TextClf :基于Pytorch/Sklearn的文本分类框架,包括逻辑回归、SVM、TextCNN、TextRNN、TextRCNN、DRNN、DPCNN、Bert等多种模型,通过简单配置即可完成数据处理、模型训练、测试等过程。
OpenTextClassification is all you need for text classification! Open text classification for everyone, enjoy your NLP journey! 这可能是目前为止最全面的开源文本分类项目,支持中英双语、多种模型、多种任务。
自然语言处理相关实验实现 some experiment of natural language processing, Like text classification, named entity recognition, pos-tags, segment, key words extractor, auto summarize etc.
TextSentimentClassification, using tensorflow.
#自然语言处理#DL-NLP is a tutorial for NLP(Natural Language Processing) based on DL(Deep Learning) by using Pytorch and Tensorflow.
Movie Rate Prediction with Tensorflow
#计算机科学#딥러닝을 활용한 문장 분류(with word based)
#计算机科学#基于tensorflow的文本分类 Text classification
Exploring various text classification models based on PyTorch. 基于PyTorch探索各种文本分类模型
A library of tensorflow text classifiers, making it easy to flexibly reuse classifiers without rewriting a bunch of code