Tutorials on implementing a few sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models with PyTorch and TorchText.
#安卓#🔥💥RxFFmpeg 是基于 ( FFmpeg 4.0 + X264 + mp3lame + fdk-aac + opencore-amr + openssl ) 编译的适用于 Android 平台的音视频编辑、视频剪辑的快速处理框架,包含以下功能:视频拼接,转码,压缩,裁剪,片头片尾,分离音视频,变速,添加静态贴纸和gif动态贴纸,添加字幕,添加滤镜,添加背景音乐,加速减速视频,倒放音视频,...
Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) - High Performance Message Codec
#编辑器#🔥🔥🔥自定义Android相机(仿抖音 TikTok),其中功能包括视频人脸识别贴纸,美颜,分段录制,视频裁剪,视频帧处理,获取视频关键帧,视频旋转,添加滤镜,添加水印,合成Gif到视频,文字转视频,图片转视频,音视频合成,音频变声处理,SoundTouch,Fmod音频处理。 Android camera(imitation Tik Tok), which includes video e...
Show, Attend, and Tell | a PyTorch Tutorial to Image Captioning
翻译 - 显示,参加和讲述|PyTorch图像字幕教程
#计算机科学#Semantic Segmentation Suite in TensorFlow. Implement, train, and test new Semantic Segmentation models easily!
#计算机科学#Convert images of LaTex math equations into LaTex code.
翻译 - 将 LaTex 数学方程的图像转换为 LaTex 代码。
#计算机科学#:robot: PaddleViT: State-of-the-art Visual Transformer and MLP Models for PaddlePaddle 2.0+
翻译 - :robot: PaddleViT:用于 PaddlePaddle 2.0+ 的最先进的 Visual Transformer 和 MLP 模型
#计算机科学#Sequence-to-sequence framework with a focus on Neural Machine Translation based on PyTorch
Declarative binary reading and writing: bit-level, symmetric, serialization/deserialization
Fantastic toolkit for CTFers and everyone.
#自然语言处理#This repository contains my full work and notes on Coursera's NLP Specialization (Natural Language Processing) taught by the instructor Younes Bensouda Mourri and Łukasz Kaiser offered by deeplearning...
Tensorflow seq2seq Implementation of Text Summarization.
Decode All Bases - Base Scheme Decoder
#自然语言处理#BERT for Multitask Learning
#自然语言处理#Multiple implementations for abstractive text summurization , using google colab
#计算机科学#Code for our paper "Multi-scale Guided Attention for Medical Image Segmentation"