#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#CTF framework and exploit development library
翻译 - CTF框架和漏洞利用开发库
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#Exploit Development and Reverse Engineering with GDB & LLDB Made Easy
翻译 - 利用GDB轻松进行开发和逆向工程
A huge chunk of my personal notes since I started playing CTFs and working as a Red Teamer.
CTF challenge (mostly pwn) files, scripts etc
#安全#GraphQLmap is a scripting engine to interact with a graphql endpoint for pentesting purposes. - Do not use for illegal testing ;)
A collection where my current and future writeups for exploits/CTF will go
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#A tool to analyze the network flow during attack/defence Capture the Flag competitions
翻译 - 分析攻击/防御过程中网络流量的工具,以捕获标志比赛
Decode All Bases - Base Scheme Decoder
Tool to export Juice Shop challenges and hints in data format compatible with CTFd, RootTheBox or FBCTF
Host and manage multiple Juice Shop instances for security trainings and Capture The Flags
🔓Crack hashes using online rainbow & lookup table attack services, right from your terminal.
#博客#TryHackMe CTFs writeups, notes, drafts, scrabbles, files and solutions.
Pure-python distributable Attack-Defence CTF platform, created to be easily set up.
Decipher hashes using online rainbow & lookup table attack services.
Detect hidden files and text in images
Collection of my capture-the-flag web challenge in any levels
Learn to audit Solana programs and help secure the ecosystem. Take your security practices to the next level and get certified by Ackee Blockchain Security. It's free, too.
☠️ The Pathwar Project ☠️