#新手入门#A FREE pragmatic DevOps learning to kickstart your DevOps career and knowledge in the Cloud Native era following the Agile MVP style! ⭐ (2025 plans for DevOps, Cloud, Platform, SRE, SWE)
Self-paced training course to learn Akka.NET fundamentals from scratch
El bootcamp de @Laboratoria es un programa de aprendizaje inmersivo de 6 meses enfocado en los perfiles de Web Developer y UX Designer.
#前端开发#Desafios em C#, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python e Ruby dos Bootcamps da Digital Innovation One
Resolução dos desafios de C Sharp, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin e Ruby da Digital Innovation One. 📚
Code developed at 42's Piscine, a 26-day (straight) C bootcamp - from 18/nov/2019 to 13/dec/2019.
翻译 - Code developed at 42's Piscine, a 26-day (straight) C bootcamp - from 18/nov/2019 to 13/dec/2019.
Desafios em C#, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python e Ruby dos Bootcamps da Digital Innovation One
#学习与技能提升#Dev & design apprenticeships to the rescue! 🔧
This will have all the solutions to the competitive programming course's problems by Coding ninjas. Star the repo if you like it.
100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021: Project solutions
A Bootcamp covering most of the javascript concepts.
翻译 - 6.5 小时的视频会议,涵盖 javascript 概念。
#前端开发#Help more front-end developers dive into Web3 world smoothly
🚀 Fullstack ShapCoders Bootcamp - by Hugo Rafael
A modern All-In-One guide to become proficient with Kubernetes core concept and pass the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam