A curated collection of official 42 School evaluation sheets 📄✅, complete with a user-friendly web interface for streamlined navigation and self-assessment. 🖥️🚀 Explore, prepare, and excel in your ...
My curated 42 school resource collection. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Code developed at 42's Piscine, a 26-day (straight) C bootcamp - from 18/nov/2019 to 13/dec/2019.
翻译 - Code developed at 42's Piscine, a 26-day (straight) C bootcamp - from 18/nov/2019 to 13/dec/2019.
This guide shows what order you should do the 42 Projects in (From Easiest to Hardest)
AWESOME little badges for 42 curriculum projects. A collection of badges(icons). Feel free to use them after staring the repository :) Contributions are welcomed! A special thanks to the actual artist...
Projects developed for 42cursus at 42 São Paulo. Begin date: 20/jan/2020
Dining philosophers problem's guide for 42 school
Development repo for 42cursus' Libft project
Suject && Solution for 42 Exam Rank 02
Examshell will allow you to practice to be perfectly ready for the 42 exams
C Library 📚 42's libft with descriptions to understand what each function does and how it works.
Piscine 42, tous mes exercices durant le mois d'août 2021 👨💻 !
✏️ Rewritten version of the minilibx graphics API used at 42school, using SDL2 & Vulkan.
42 Exam Rank 03
A platformer with gravity, jumping, audio and two types of enemies!
Where I edit my front page to this GitHub repo.
#算法刷题#A bespoke sorting algorithm, on 2 stacks.
🖥️ Docker images with services such as MariaDB, Nginx, WordPress, Redis, FTP-server, Adminer and Portainer in virtual machine