PlexGuide is a comprehensive Docker container management solution designed for Ubuntu & Debian OS. While it specializes in deploying media server applications like Plex, the platform incorporates Trae...
Full stack tools for monitoring containers and other stuff. ;)
A Docker swarm-based starting point for operating highly-available containerized applications.
🔢 A developer friendly dashboard for monitoring your self-hosted services with a clean and modern UI.
A collection of dockerfile I use
🔵 Curso GRÁTIS Linux Ubuntu Server 18.04.x LTS - REPOSITÓRIO CONGELADO - Esse repositório não irá mais receber atualizações. Novo repositório: vaamonde/ubuntu-2004
EasyEngine/WordOps optimized configuration on Ubuntu 16/18.04 LTS
🐳 🐘 Dockerized PHP/LARAVEL stack: Nginx, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, Traefik, Redis, Authelia, Netdata, Portainer
📚 Curso GRÁTIS OCS Inventory NG e GLPI Help Desk REPOSITÓRIO CONGELADO - Esse repositório não irá mais receber atualizações.
Sovereign software for the Urbit internet appliance.