A demo project showing different types of Widgets created with SwiftUI and WidgetKit.
#IOS#Scripts and widgets for the iOS Scriptable App
Flutter library for iOS Widgets Extensions. Integrate a Widget into your App 🍏📱
iOS Scriptable News Widget (WordPress & RSS)
iOS 14 widget for stats on COVID -19.
Telekom Datennutzung Widget für iOS 14
翻译 - 适用于iOS 14的Telekom数据使用小部件
This simple wrapper for your Scriptable code automatically updates it locally every day.
#IOS#Widget for the Scriptable iOS app to display data from Netatmo personal weather stations.
Scriptable widget for iOS 14 to display date, calendar events, device settings, Apple Health and Activity data.
iOS Scriptable Widget für News von Caschys Blog
SwiftUI sample app that allows you to store QR codes in CoreData and use them through a widget
A Scriptable widget that shows random memes
#区块链#A Scriptable widget that shows stock prices from yahoo finance api.