🚨 Collection of Prometheus alerting rules
翻译 - 🚨普罗米修斯警报规则的收集
Prometheus Alertmanager
Docker hosts and containers monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, NodeExporter and AlertManager
Prometheus Alert是开源的运维告警中心消息转发系统,支持主流的监控系统Prometheus,Zabbix,日志系统Graylog和数据可视化系统Grafana发出的预警消息,支持钉钉,微信,华为云短信,腾讯云短信,腾讯云电话,阿里云短信,阿里云电话等
Better Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes - smart grouping, AI enrichment, and automatic remediation
Alert dashboard for Prometheus Alertmanager
翻译 - Prometheus Alertmanager的警报仪表板
Frostmourne(霜之哀伤监控平台)是基于Elasticsearch, Prometheus, SkyWalking, InfluxDB,Mysql/TiDB,ClickHouse, SqlServer, IoTDB数据的分布式监控报警系统. Monitor & alert & alarm for Elasticsearch,Prometheus data。主要使用springboot2 +...
Full stack tools for monitoring containers and other stuff. ;)
DingTalk integration for Prometheus Alertmanager
Alert dashboard for Prometheus Alertmanager
Doraemon is a Prometheus based monitor system
[deprecated] Bot for Prometheus' Alertmanager
🚀一款轻量级云原生多数据源监控告警引擎,快来用它升级你们的监控系统架构吧!帮忙点个免费的Star 😊~
Forward Prometheus Alert Manager notifications to Microsoft Teams.
Docker host and container monitoring, logging and alerting out of the box using cAdvisor, Prometheus, Grafana for monitoring, Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash for logging and elastalert and Alertman...
Building a multi-master multi-node Kubernetes homelab with kubeadm, Ansible, Helm and Terraform.
Kubernetes Manifest files for setting up Prometheus monitoring on the Kubernetes cluster.