A docker-compose stack for Prometheus monitoring
A set of modern Grafana dashboards for Kubernetes.
🦄后羿 - TenSunS(原ConsulManager):基于Consul的运维平台:更优雅的Consul管理UI&多云与自建ECS/MySQL/Redis同步Prometheus/JumpServer&ECS/MySQL/Redis云监控指标采集&Blackbox站点监控维护&漏洞通知/资源到期余额告警&各类资源Grafana看板展示
A docker-compose stack solution for monitoring host and containers with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor and NodeExporter.
A Docker swarm-based starting point for operating highly-available containerized applications.
Grafana Loki Syslog All In One Syslog Deployable Stack
Grafana Prometheus Node-Exporter cAdvisor - Docker Monitoring Stack
Ansible role - Node exporter
This is a repository that you create in order to have some scenarios in which you can use Traefik efficiently, it has a link to the official sites of each of the mentioned software.
Ansible playbook for installing Prometheus monitoring system, exporters such as: node, snmp, blackbox, thus alert manager and push gateway
Docker stack config for deploying Grafana + Prometheus + Node Exporter
dash is a terminal dashboard solution inspired by Grafana, to visualize and explore your data.
Ansible role for the management of Prometheus software and Prometheus exporters
Setup Prometheus with Grafana dashboard using Ansible
Expose Raspberry PI metrics using Prometheus and Grafana. Install with single command.
Prometheus exporter for Raspberry Pi metrics
Example of a traefik proxy with most of its monitoring and logs active, using Grafana to access them.
cAdvisor, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Node-Exporter, Grafana
Collection of Docker Stacks for usage on a multi-architecture Docker Swarm cluster (arm, amd64)
📊 Prometheus and Grafana 101