syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, queueing, SQL & NoSQL.
翻译 - syslog-ng是增强的日志守护程序,支持多种输入和输出方法:syslog,非结构化文本,队列,SQL和NoSQL。
Grafana Loki Syslog All In One Syslog Deployable Stack
Syslog Collector written in Go, streams to Kafka 0.8
AxoSyslog - the scalable security data processor
All in one Grafana + Prometheus + Loki metrics stack
Collection of PatternDB files to parse Ubiquiti Unifi events into Security Onion's Syslog-NG and ELSA
This repo is for community scripts to be shared from. These scripts are community focused and not supported or endorsed by Splunk, use at your own risk
Rest2Syslog collects data via REST APIs and sends it to any Syslog Destination