轻量型数据采集器。它们从成百上千或成千上万台机器和系统向 Logstash 或 Elasticsearch 发送数据。
🔥基于go-zero(go zero) 微服务全技术栈开发最佳实践项目。Develop best practice projects based on the full technology stack of go zero (go zero) microservices.
some personally made dockerfile
Collect logs for docker containers
提供各种客户端接入阿里云 消息队列 Kafka 的demo工程(Provide a demo project for various clients to access Alibaba Cloud message queue Kafka)
Deploy Elastic stack in a Docker Swarm cluster. Ship application logs and metrics using beats & GELF plugin to Elasticsearch
Important production-grade Kubernetes Ops Services
Golang Clean architecture REST API example with a comprehensive real project. It uses docker, docker compose, redis, elasticsearch, kibana, filebeat, postgresql, prometheus, grafana. also use gin, go...
Suricata IDS/IPS log analytics using the Elastic Stack.
Elastic beat-exporter for Prometheus
elasticsearch, logstash and kibana configuration for pi-hole visualiziation
Ansible Role - Filebeat for ELK stack
Filebeat container, alternative to fluentd used to ship kubernetes cluster and pod logs
Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant