MARA: Modern Application Reference Architecture
Important production-grade Kubernetes Ops Services
A variety of open-source Grafana dashboards typically for AWS and Kubernetes
Setup for a K8s home lab running on a single host (e.g. Intel NUC)
Auth requests through NGINX with JWT tokens
Kubernetes On Premise Implementation with Metal LB (metallb) + Cilium and Istio
Implementation of a custom default backend for Nginx Ingress Controller on Kubernetes
Jenkins management in Go for Kubernetes, Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC) and Jenkins JobDSL.
Deploy Nginx Ingress on an EKS cluster using Terraform & Helm.
[DEV] Docker stacks to quickly setup a dev environment and test some tools.
📦 🐳 🚀 Complete setup process to manage EKS cluster using Terraform
Helm chart to easily bootstrap your cluster using GitOps principles 🚀
Telegram auth provider for NGINX and NGINX Ingress controller
Scale idle apps to zero and wake them up when they receive traffic
A setup of Bare Metal Kubernetes using Kubeadm and Metallb on Ubuntu 18.04 master and 3 Ubuntu 18.04 minions
setup k8s-nginx-ingress-controller on your k8s cluster with examples
Proyecto Ansible para el despliegue automatizado de Kubernetes en CentOS / Rocky Linux / RedHat
My playground with Humanitec.
Exposes your homelab kubernetes cluster to the internet using a small vps, WireGuard, Nginx Ingress controller and Caddy
AWS EKS Ingress with NGINX Ingress Controller. POC/Demo