Cloud-Native distributed storage built on and for Kubernetes
翻译 - 基于 Kubernetes 构建的云原生分布式块存储
Wife tolerated HomeOps driven by Kubernetes, and Gitops via Flux.
Grafana Dashboards for Kubernetes, OpenShift and other systems
Homelab setup built on Kubernetes and Rancher, deployed with Ansible, Terraform, Fleet and ArgoCD!
HA Kubernetes (k3s) Setup with distributed Storage (Longhorn). Using Ansible.
Ultimate Stack [Glotixz] is a Event Driven Microservices Ecommerce App running on Kubernetes with Istio as the service-mesh and cloudnative serverless components by knative and deployed to kubernet...
✨ Kubernetes ve container ortamlarınızı daha rahat ve efektif olarak verimli bir şekilde yönetmenizi sağlayan araçlara işaret edilmiştir.
Highly Available IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack Kubernetes cluster on Alpine Linux, with CRI-O, Calico network and Longhorn storage, in a fully automated way using Ansible
My Kubernetes Cluster (k3s) managed by GitOps (Flux2)
Private infrastructure for cloud natives
K3s kubernetes cluster automated install with Terrafrom and Ansible
Appunti vari sul progetto Homelab
Learn how to easily deploy and manage Kubernetes with Rancher on AWS Cloud
Starting up a Kubernetes cluster with Vagrant, with Gluster, Portworx, Linstor, or StorageOS as storage provider and Traefik as ingress controller
Ansible Collection to deploy a RKE2 cluster with Rancher, Longhorn and Neuvector in Airgap mode..
Ansible role to install Longhorn cloud native distributed block storage for Kubernetes
A flux operated repo for kubernetes home operations