Automate the creation of a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices
翻译 - Vagrant&Packer脚本可构建带有安全工具和记录最佳实践的完整实验室环境
Setting up a distributed Kubernetes cluster along with Istio service mesh locally with Vagrant and VirtualBox, only PoC or Demo use.
Work with Windows containers and LCOW on Mac/Linux/Windows
Various Vagrant envs with Windows 2019/10 and Docker, Swarm mode, LCOW, WSL2, ...
翻译 - 收集Vagrant文件以构建ISUCON过去的问题
This Repository contains DevOps Projects and Tools Documentation step by step practice
Ready to run machine images
This is a batteries included local development environment for Kubernetes on Windows.
A pragmatic Perl IRCv3 bot
Setup Kubernetes Cluster with Kubeadm and Vagrant
VagrantFile Generator to quickly generate Vagrant configuration files and easily set up your development environment.
Customized image with docker and selected plugin pre-backed. This image makes use of docker secrets and runs in a swarm cluster
A Vagrantfile for running Go VMs
Ubuntu 18.04 desktop developer VM
Vagrant As Automation Script
UNSUPPORTED - SEEKING MAINTAINER - Vagrant middleware plugin to retrieve puppet modules using r10k.
HTML5 based remote desktop gateway using Apache Guacamole and inlets websocket reverse tunnel including AD authentication and 2-FA
🖥 Desktop environment preference for Windows (10, or later); since 2019.2