Develop your applications directly in your Kubernetes Cluster
翻译 - 通过直接在Kubernetes中开发和测试代码来构建更好的应用程序
Userbot telegram dengan bahasa dart, bisa di host railway, heroku, local, vps dan lain lain yang support docker
Yg kasi star makasih 😇 yg make doang juga makasih 🗿
Learn how to develop with Okteto
Spring Boot on Kubernetes Demo Project
在 Okteto 容器云部署 xray 节点
#1 Learning Platform Containerlabs - ContainerD| LXD | Docker | Kubernets | rancher | K3s | ..more
Develop Go Apps in Kubernetes with Okteto
Use Litmus and Okteto Cloud to show you how to start Chaos testing your Kubernetes applications.
Deploy DNS over HTTPS service on PaaS platforms (Heroku, Okteto, etc.) | 在 Heroku / Okteto 等免费 PaaS 服务平台上部署 Mosdns
A webhook to use CIVO DNS as a DNS issuer for cert-manager.
Ultimate Stack [Glotixz] is a Event Driven Microservices Ecommerce App running on Kubernetes with Istio as the service-mesh and cloudnative serverless components by knative and deployed to kubernet...
Develop Python Apps in Kubernetes with Okteto
Github action to create or update resources in your Okteto Cloud namespace
Develop a Cloud Native application with python, fastapi and celery with Okteto
Enable GitHub developers to trigger Okteto Pipelines from a GitHub Actions workflow
Github action to automatically build your container, push it to the Okteto Registry and deploy it into Okteto Cloud
#自然语言处理#Generate novel text - novel finetuned from skt KoGPT2 base v2 - 한국어
This project is a POC of the API Composition Pattern but using gRPC, the idea is having the same proto file implemented in different services (micro or nano) and each service returns a piece of the in...