Your personal assistant, on WhatsApp! The most user friendly userbot for the platform!
翻译 - 您的私人助理,在 WhatsApp 上!该平台最用户友好的用户机器人!
Advanced Multi-Featured Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib.
翻译 - 可插拔Telethon-电报UserBot
A simple Telegram userbot based on Telethon
翻译 - 一个基于Telethon的简单Telegram用户机器人
A WhatsApp based third party application that provide many services with a real-time automated conversational experience. 💃🏻❤️
WhatsAsena project - Makes it easy and fun to use Whatsapp. Also first userbot for Whatsapp
翻译 - WhatsAsena项目-使使用Whatsapp变得轻松有趣。也是Whatsapp的第一个用户机器人