Your personal assistant, on WhatsApp! The most user friendly userbot for the platform!
翻译 - 您的私人助理,在 WhatsApp 上!该平台最用户友好的用户机器人!
Advanced Multi-Featured Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib.
翻译 - 可插拔Telethon-电报UserBot
A simple Telegram userbot based on Telethon
翻译 - 一个基于Telethon的简单Telegram用户机器人
Telegram Client API (MTProto) library written 100% in C# and .NET
Userge, Durable as a Serge
翻译 - Userge,持久耐用
A Discord API Wrapper for Userbots/Selfbots written in Python.
A turbocharged telegram userbot written in python 🚀❤️
翻译 - 基于 Telethon 的 Userbot 来管理您的 Telegram 帐户。
Telegram Client Library To make it easier and faster for you to create programs that interact with the Telegram API, MTProto, TDlib, Telegram-bot-API with customizable features so that you can create ...
AZKADEV Userbot TELEGRAM Simple Hanya untuk sumber belajar!
A WhatsApp based third party application that provide many services with a real-time automated conversational experience. 💃🏻❤️
Telegram Bot General Multi Manage Group, Channel, Private
Jaseb Userbot Telegram Basic Open Source
Telegram keep account dart, source code untuk menyimpan account telegram tanpa applikasi di desktop, unlimited account
Userbot telegram dengan bahasa dart, bisa di host railway, heroku, local, vps dan lain lain yang support docker