Open-source cloud-environment inspector. Supporting AWS, GCP, Azure, and more! Your cloud resources will have nowhere to hide!
翻译 - :cloud:Cloud Environment Inspector👮:lock::moneybag:
Marketplace of Kubernetes applications available for quick and easy installation in to Civo Kubernetes clusters
minectl 🗺 is a cli for creating Minecraft server on different cloud provider.
Demonstrating how you can take an action to your intrusions detected by Falco using OpenFaaS functions
A webhook to use CIVO DNS as a DNS issuer for cert-manager.
The repository for the CIVO Navigate talk: How To Build A Production Ready Kubernetes
This is a builder plugin for Packer which can be used to generate storage templates on Civo. It utilises the Civo Go client to interface with the Civo API.
Terraform module to create Civo Kubernetes Cluster
This utility is a small Go application that runs in the background on Civo instances, collecting CPU, disk and memory usage and reporting them back to the Civo API so that they can be reported on in t...
This project contains a Taskfile.yaml used to automate the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters across multiple platforms including Civo, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Kubernetes in Doc...
Examples of deploying kubernetes resources using Terraform
Personal notes - Learning how to use k3s