E1S - Easily Manage AWS ECS Resources in Terminal(~k9s for ECS) 🐱
Golang, Postgres, Docker, AWS backend master class translation (rus)
Simple but still extremely powerful K9S alternative. An interactive `explain` command. Security scanning based on `trivy`. Supports multiple envs. Midnight commander like interface. Custom hotkeys
L'objectif de cette série d'exercices est d'apprendre à démystifier Kubernetes (K8s) en s'intéressant aux concepts fondamentaux de cet orchestrateur tels que Pod, Deployment, Service et Volume. La mis...
gokube is a tool that makes it easy developing day-to-day with Kubernetes on your laptop.
dashboard/web app for managing kubernetes clusters, with similar functionality as k9s
✨ Kubernetes ve container ortamlarınızı daha rahat ve efektif olarak verimli bir şekilde yönetmenizi sağlayan araçlara işaret edilmiştir.
🧰 Kurated Kubernetes tooling installable with one-liner command
Scripts and helpers for deploying AKS using terraform
K9s Web provides a convenient way to manage Kubernetes clusters over the web.
config for my development environment