ByConity 是字节跳动开源的云原生数据仓库,提供读写分离、弹性扩缩容、租户资源隔离和数据读写的强一致性
E1S - Easily Manage AWS ECS Resources in Terminal(~k9s for ECS) 🐱
Advanced Platform Development with Kubernetes Book Source ISBN 978-1-4842-5610-7 Apress; 1st ed. edition (September 2020)
Este guia tem a finalidade de orientar como criar um cluster kubernetes com um ou mais nós , e/ou multi-cluster em um computador com sistema operacional Windows 10 ou 11, utilizando o Hyper-V (nativo ...
Zomato Data Analysis to explore insights and build predictive models with a dynamic & Interactive dashboard using Streamlit Web application. Also deploying and scaling with Cyclops-UI
Coult, is crate to getting from hashicorp vault
Quartz application with spring boot and thymeleaf and postgresql as persistent datasource
Playing with Istio Service Mesh by ramp up 10 services
Kubernetes CI/CD setup with examples
Dotnet core web app with Identity Server and HATEOS API with swagger OpenAPI documentation.
O Kube Kepam é uma solução auto adaptativa que gerencia quaisquer Microservice-Based Applications (MBAs) implantadas em Cluster Kubernetes.
WIP: currently there’s only a test deployment online