The administration for the IdentityServer4 and Asp.Net Core Identity
翻译 - IdentityServer4和Asp.Net Core身份的管理
Asp.Net 7.0 & Angular 15 SPA Fullstack application with plenty of examples. Live demo:
翻译 - Asp.Net Core 3.1和Angular 8 SPA Full Stack应用程序带有大量示例。现场演示:
ASP.NET Core / Angular startup project template with complete login, user and role management. Plus other useful services for Quick Application Development
翻译 - ASP.NET Core 3.0 / Angular 8启动项目模板,具有完整的登录,用户和角色管理。加上其他用于快速应用程序开发的有用服务
😃A simple and practical CMS implemented by .NET + FreeSql;前后端分离、Docker部署、OAtuh2授权登录、自动化部署DevOps、自动同步至Gitee、代码生成器、仿掘金专栏
Restaurant App 🍔 is a sample open-source e-Commerce 🛒 application for ordering foods, powered by polyglot microservices architecture and cross-platform development including mobile and web
🔧 ASP.NET Core 3 & Angular 8 Administration Panel for 💞IdentityServer4 and ASP.NET Core Identity
翻译 - :wrench:ASP.NET Core 3和Angular 8管理面板:revolving_hearts:IdentityServer4和ASP.NET Core身份
OpenID Connect Code Flow PKCE / Implicit Flow with Angular and ASP.NET Core 6 IdentityServer4
Samples for IdentityServer4,use .net core 2.0
🥗 打造一个功能强大的通用型Ids4用户认证授权服务中心,配合之前的所有开源项目
🔒 ASP.NET Core 3.1 Open Source SSO. Built within IdentityServer4 🔑
翻译 - :lock:ASP.NET Core 3.1开源SSO。内置于IdentityServer4中:key:
Sample project demonstrating user authentication and identity with Angular, Asp.Net Core and IdentityServer4
An ASP.NET Core 6.0 IdentityServer4 Identity Bootstrap 4 template with localization
The Microservices Online Shop is an application with a modern software architecture that is cleanly designed and based on.NET lightweight technologies. The shop has two build variations. The first var...
Destiny.Core.Flow是基于.Net Core,VUE前后分离,开发的一个开源Admin管理框架目前有以下模块:菜单管理、用户管理、角色管理、用户角色、角色权限等功能。
Secure microservices with using standalone Identity Server 4 and backing with Ocelot API Gateway. Protect our ASP.NET Web MVC and API applications with using OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect in IdentityServ...
预约系统 ReservationSystem powered by core
OIDC (OpenID Connect) Example for
Security with ASP.NET Core, SignalR and Angular