Microservices on .NET platforms used ASP.NET Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Grpc, Yarp API Gateway, PostgreSQL, Redis, SQLite, SqlServer, Marten, Entity Framework Core, CQRS, MediatR, DDD, Ve...
翻译 - 使用Asp.Net Web API,Docker,RabbitMQ,Ocelot API网关,MongoDB,Redis,SqlServer,Entity Framework Core,CQRS和Clean Architecture实现的.Net平台上的微服务。请参阅带有折扣->的.NET课程上的微服务架构和分步实施->
Secure microservices with using standalone Identity Server 4 and backing with Ocelot API Gateway. Protect our ASP.NET Web MVC and API applications with using OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect in IdentityServ...
We will be building a Simple Microservice Application for demonstrating various Concepts including Microservice Architecture in ASP.NET Core, API Gateways, Ocelot, Ocelot Configuration , Routing and m...
This demo shows how to implement simple containerized (Docker) microservice architecture with gateway, load balancer (Ocelot) and automatic service discovery (Consul).
#区块链#This demo shows a working sample of microservices architecture using ASP.NET Core. It covers how to create microservices, how to create API gateways using Ocelot, how to use MassTransit as distributed...
KodaDair, modern yazılım geliştirme prensipleri ve .NET ekosisteminin sunduğu güçlü kütüphaneleri bir araya getiren bir altyapı projesidir. Kaynağın amacı hızlı, sürdürülebilir ve yüksek kaliteli uygu...
This project developed for learning how is the ASP .NET Core Microservices and Ocelot working. Project has two ASP .NET Core Microservice and one API Gateway which is working with Ocelot. Also include...
Microservices on .Net platforms which used Asp.Net Web API, Docker, Kubernetes, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Grpc, Ocelot API Gateway, MongoDB, Redis, SqlServer, Dapper, Entity Framework Core, CQRS and Clea...
Ocelot.Provider.SqlServer enables dynamic route management by storing Ocelot routes in a SQL Server database, eliminating JSON files. Designed for ASP.NET, it fully supports .NET 6.0.
Aplicação Web de uma Bookstore implementando um API Gateway usando o framework OCELOT
Multi Tenant Architecture
This tutorial shows how to implement simple containerized (Docker) micro service architecture with a gateway, load balancer (Ocelot) and automatic service discovery (Consul).
Developing e-commerce modules over Product, Basket and Ordering microservices with NoSQL (MongoDB, Redis) and Relational databases (PostgreSQL, Sql Server) with communicating over RabbitMQ Event Drive...
This is an open-source job marketplace application, powered by micro-services ☸️ architecture and cross-platform developed 📱🖥🐳 based on .NET 8.
CleanArch Commerce - CQRS - DDD - Microservices - MicroOrm
.Net 6 Distributed Transaction Sample with MassTransit, RabbitMQ, Outbox Pattern, Ocelot Gateway and Service Discovery.
Microservices Blog App developed by Angular, ASP.NET, MongoDB and Redis.
Event-Driven Microservice Architecture using ASP.NET Core Web API, RabbitMQ, Ocelot API Gateway, SQL Server, MongoDB, Redis and Docker