The Service Bus Explorer allows users to connect to a Service Bus namespace and administer messaging entities in an easy manner. The tool provides advanced features like import/export functionality or...
翻译 - 服务总线资源管理器允许用户以简单的方式连接到服务总线名称空间并管理消息传递实体。该工具提供高级功能,例如导入/导出功能或测试主题,队列,订阅,中继服务,通知中心和事件中心的功能。
cross-platform Azure Service Bus explorer (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
Cross platform Azure Service Bus explorer
Service Bus Explorer Extension for Visual Studio Code
This sample shows how to use Azure Private Endpoints and NAT Gateway from an Azure Functions app deployed to an Azure Functions Premium Plan with Regional VNET Integration.
This project automates Azure DevOps to update work items from New to Active when a child becomes Active, and to close work items when all their children are closed (or removed).
Short and simple example implementation of using a Managed Identity to connect to Azure resources
MassTransit on Azure Functions with Azure Service Bus - Isolated, local dev environment
A cross platform tool to manage your Azure Service Bus instances
Demo: Azure Service Bus + .NET
Simple CLI tool to manage Azure Service Bus dead-letter queues
Leveraging the power of the Cloud
API Restful de produtos e notificação de usuários por mensageria - programação assíncrona
Azure Service Bus benchmarks with Java SDK
Azure ServiceBus Monitor for Visual Studio - monitor the stats of ServiceBus entities from the Visual Studio status bar.