💖 ASP.NET Core 8.0 全家桶教程,前后端分离后端接口,vue教程姊妹篇,官方文档:
A simple expense tracking application
Aurora is a project developed in .NET 6, where it aims to show how to create something using an architecture, in layers, simple and approaching, in a simplistic way, some concepts such as DDD.
A cross platform tool to read & query JSON aka CLEF log files created by Serilog
KodaDair, modern yazılım geliştirme prensipleri ve .NET ekosisteminin sunduğu güçlü kütüphaneleri bir araya getiren bir altyapı projesidir. Kaynağın amacı hızlı, sürdürülebilir ve yüksek kaliteli uygu...
An ASP.NET Core WebAPI project for all Discworld novels
A sample project about how to create event subscribe/publish feature in single application in asp.net core
AspNetCore Markdown Documenting
Blazor Issue/Bug tracker with Web Api
Enables Discord Rich Presence for http://foundryvtt.com/
Provides Mobile / Server synchronization with offline support using .NetCore and EntityFramework.Core
It is a book online shop. Frontend angular Fw backend .NET Core API
Containirize dotnet core web Api using Docker, push to Azure Container Registry and deploy to Kubernetes cluster in AKS
.NET 5.0 Docker-ready C# REST API example using JWT authentication, Swagger, Newtonsoft JSON, and Dapper with SQL Server.
.net core web API starter template.
BakTraCam is a planned maintenance management application. Angular Fw is used. Frontend components are Angular material components.This working contains sqlite database, dotnetcore 3.1 api, repository...
Medusa is a website that publishes book reviews. It has two panels: Manager and presentation. Book review is published and categorized from the admin panel. In the presentation panel, you can filter a...
Example code of a simple secured API
ASP.NET Core 3.1 WebApi+JWT+Swagger+EntityFrameworkCore构建REST API