FVTT Community Macros - 📝 Contribute macros or download them as a module! 📝
A template repository for FoundryVTT module development that comes with versioned CI/CD
My personally cultivated list of FoundryVTT Modules for Dungeons and Dragons 5e and Pathfinder 2e that play nicely together without creating an overwhelming amount of UI options or causing noticeable ...
翻译 - 我个人打造的用于地下城与龙5e和Pathfinder 2e的FoundryVTT模块列表,它们可以很好地配合使用,而不会产生大量的UI选项或引起明显的FPS下降。
Unofficial type declarations for the Foundry Virtual Tabletop API
A community maintained implementation of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game for Foundry VTT.
A Foundry VTT module that allows you to add animations and graphic effects to tokens, tiles, templates and drawings.
Welcome all, and especially newcomers! This is the premiere system for running grim and perilious games of Warhammer Fantasy Role-play in the Foundry VTT environment. (Additional Content Included!)
This module implements a basic pipeline that can be used for managing the flow of a set of functions, effects, sounds, and macros.
D&D 5e sheet layouts for Foundry VTT, focused on a clean UI, user ergonomics, and extensibility.
A simple calendar module for the FoundryVTT system
FVTT Community Tables - 📝 Contribute tables or download them as a module! 📝
Templates of spells from the DnD5e ruleset (SRD and PHB), to use on FoundryVTT
An interactive command line tool to bootstrap new modules and systems for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
A fully featured PDF viewer module for Foundry VTT, including form fillable actor sheets, journal links, and more!
This is a Forbidden Lands game System for the Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Made by @Perfectro, @patrys and @aMediocreDad. Maintained by @aMediocreDad