My personally cultivated list of FoundryVTT Modules for Dungeons and Dragons 5e and Pathfinder 2e that play nicely together without creating an overwhelming amount of UI options or causing noticeable ...
翻译 - 我个人打造的用于地下城与龙5e和Pathfinder 2e的FoundryVTT模块列表,它们可以很好地配合使用,而不会产生大量的UI选项或引起明显的FPS下降。
A site dedicated to making playing games with your friends as easy as possible.
A character builder and digital toolbox for Pathfinder and Starfinder Second Edition.
My personally cultivated list of FoundryVTT Assets and Resources.
My personal setup guide for running FoundryVTT on AWS.
A small, lightweight cross-platform combat manager for d20-based role-playing games, based on Qt.
shendi is a Character generator for Pathfinder second edition (2e) built in python
The Pf2ools repository of Pathfinder 2nd edition game data.
Beyond Your Bestiary Explorer (BYBE) - Pathfinder 2e GM Tools Frontend
🐲 A curated list of awesome Pathfinder 2e (PF2E) resources, references and software
A Zod and JSON Schema to represent Pathfinder 2nd edition game content.
My pathfinder 2E projects. I guess. I have not a single clue how to use this lmao. Feel free to copy and distribute