Loco 是一个用 Rust 编写的 Web 框架,类似于 Rails。Loco 提供快速构建 Web 应用的功能,并且允许创建自定义任务,可以通过 CLI 运行。
🪪 User identification, authentication, and authorization for Axum.
🚀 RESTful Rust API Template / Boilerplate
Unlimited file cloud storage based on using Telegram API
ryde is a single person, single file web framework for rust
🥠 Sessions as a `tower` and `axum` middleware.
Rate Limiting middleware for Tower/Axum/Tonic/Hyper utilizing the governor crate
tchatchers is a blazing fast chat application built with Axum and Yew.rs
🚀 Reusable template for building REST Web Services in Rust. Uses Axum HTTP web framework and SeaORM