Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts
适用于 Quantumult X 规则整理集合. 所有内容源自 互联网,仅作为收集和整理
Over 70 advanced BadUSB scripts for the Flipper Zero! By downloading the files, you automatically agree to the license and the terms outlined in the ReadMe. If you have any questions, please don't hes...
USB Rubber Ducky type scripts written for the DigiSpark.
Collection of Aggressor scripts for Cobalt Strike 3.0+ pulled from multiple sources
翻译 - 从多个来源提取的Cobalt Strike 3.0+ Aggressor脚本集合
Scripts for self-use, ⛔️ fork
A collection of tools and python scripts to automate repetitive tasks on AWS Cloud
翻译 - 一组有用的 Shell 和 Python 脚本,可让您在 AWS 中的开发运营生活更轻松。
A Cross-Platform, Multi-Cloud High-Performance Computing Platform
Various scripts & enhancements for the game Pokéclicker.
Promit is object oriented, bytecode interpreted, lightweight, elegant and fast programming language designed by a 19 year old.