🧊 The next generation Package Manager for Kubernetes 📦 Featuring a GUI and a CLI. Glasskube packages are dependency aware, GitOps ready and can get automatic updates via a central public package rep...
Creates Helm chart from Kubernetes yaml
API Reference Docs generator for Kubernetes CRDs (used by Knative, Kubeflow and others)
Bitpoke Kubernetes operator for WordPress
A Kubernetes operator to sync secrets from AWS Secrets Manager
Generic libraries for building idiomatic Kubernetes controllers
Amazon SageMaker operator for Kubernetes
Notify ArgoCD Application status via Pull Request comment or GitHub Deployment API
Tor toolkit for Kubernetes (Tor instances, onion services and more)
Kubernetes Operator to manage Dynamic Admission Controllers using Open Policy Agent
翻译 - Kubernetes Operator使用Open Policy Agent管理动态准入控制器
Run DNS- and DHCP-server inside Kubernetes cluster
CRD and Operator to access your Kubernetes Deployment over the Internet
yawol is a Load Balancer solution for OpenStack, based on the Kubernetes controller pattern.
AWS IAM role management for K8s cluster using kube builder "Operator" framework
🛠️ Build a Kubernetes Operator in 10 minutes
A lightweight kubernetes operator to test cluster resilience via chaos engineering 💣 ☸️
Kubernetes controller for port-forwarding from your machine to remote hosts via Envoy TCP proxy
A lightweight API for maintaining a list of Kubernetes clusters and associated metadata.