Juno 译名朱诺。这个名字来源于古罗马神话中的众神之母。它是斗鱼的微服务管理系统, 如同众神之母一样守护着所有微服务的系统。
#区块链#Open Source Platform for Interoperable Smart Contracts
#区块链#⭐ CosmosJS - Cosmos JavaScript Library
#区块链#JunoTools is a multi purpose dApp for interacting with various smart contracts on Juno Network. One tool to rule them all!
wibbly wobbly cosmy wasmy tool to interact with cosmwasm contracts
Docker containers of elementary OS environments and related tools primarily used in Travis Continuous Integration Automated Testing
Collection of tech talks from Gett and Juno engineers
Cloud operations platform
#区块链#Junokit is a development framework for building juno contracts. The aim of the project is to make juno contracts development process simple, efficient and scalable.
Verify your Cosmos account with Keplr, handle signed messages as close to ADR36 as possible
SDK para criptografia e validação de dados do cartão de crédito para integração com a API de pagamentos da Juno/BoletoBancário.
Personal developer notebook for CosmWasm and other relevant subjects