#区块链#《Mastering Ethereum》 精通以太坊
Contracts of the Sismo Badge Minting Protocol
#区块链#⚠️ The Truffle Suite is being sunset. For information on ongoing support, migration options and FAQs, visit the Consensys blog. Thank you for all the support over the years.
翻译 - 开发智能合约的工具。用最好的可可制成。
#区块链#Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with Javascript
#区块链#WTF Solidity 极简入门教程,供小白们使用。Now supports English! 官网: https://wtf.academy
#区块链#Ultimate Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract - Beginner to Expert Full Course | Python Edition
翻译 - Ultimate Solidity、区块链和智能合约 - 从初学者到专家完整课程 |蟒蛇版
#新手入门#DeFi Developer roadmap is a curated Developer handbook which includes a list of the best tools for DApps development, resources and references!
翻译 - DeFi 开发者路线图。随意提交拉取请求,从小的修复到翻译、文档或您想要添加的工具。
Multiplayer at the speed of light
A powerful and open-source toolkit for hackers and security automation - 安全行业从业者自研开源扫描器合辑
#区块链#Hardhat 是一个以太坊开发环境,有助于执行频繁的任务,例如编译、部署、运行测试、自动检查代码是否有错误,或与智能合约进行交互
Wasm3 是一个快速的WebAssembly 解释器和最通用的WASM 运行时
#区块链#web3j 是一个轻量级开发集成以太坊(Ethereum)客户端的Java、Android的库
🦄 🦄 🦄 Core smart contracts of Uniswap v3
翻译 - 🦄🦄🦄核心智能合约unis打开v3
This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. In this video, we're going to build a Web 3.0 React Solidity Blockchain Application
翻译 - Web 3.0 React Solidity 区块链应用
#区块链#Mythril is a symbolic-execution-based securty analysis tool for EVM bytecode. It detects security vulnerabilities in smart contracts built for Ethereum and other EVM-compatible blockchains.