Contracts of the Sismo Badge Minting Protocol
#区块链#基于区块链的符合W3C DID和Verifiable Credential规范的分布式身份解决方案
Keeping track of what is going on with the latest DiD innovations.
A JavaScript Framework for Verifiable Data
Sidetree Specification and Reference Implementation
#区块链#Web3Privacy Now is a research project aimed at building a culture of privacy industry in web3: the most extensive database of privacy-enhancing solutions, the framework for PEDApps ideation, use-cases...
#Awesome#An awesome list of self-sovereign identity resources.
Implementation of the Decentralized Identity standards such as DID and Verifiable Credentials by W3C for the IOTA Tangle.
Typescript framework for building decentralized identity and verifiable credential solutions
Public Ledger of Credentials: a cryptographic, strongly-consistent, and recoverable DID method
#区块链#A permissionless blockchain network to manage digital identity and access rights
The Self Sovereign Identity Service
VCX is set of crates to work with DIDs, DID Documents, DIDComm, Verifiable Credentials and Hyperledger Aries.
A ranked list of awesome Digital Identity open source projects
DID Method implementation using the Sidetree protocol on top of Ethereum and IPFS