#Awesome#A curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning
翻译 - 精选的优秀开源库列表,用于部署,监视,版本化和扩展您的机器学习
THIS REPO IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE. Please see https://codeberg.org/tenacityteam/tenacity for Tenacity, which is maintained.
翻译 - FLOSS Audacity Fork · 没有遥测、崩溃报告和其他类似的恶作剧!
#算法刷题#An Industrial Grade Federated Learning Framework
翻译 - 工业级联合学习框架
Insomnium is a fast local API testing tool that is privacy-focused and 100% local. For testing GraphQL, REST, WebSockets and gRPC. This is a fork of Kong/insomnia
#计算机科学#A unified framework for privacy-preserving data analysis and machine learning
Privacy-Preserving Computing Platform 由密码学专家团队打造的开源隐私计算平台,支持多方安全计算、联邦学习、隐私求交、匿踪查询等。
#区块链#基于区块链的符合W3C DID和Verifiable Credential规范的分布式身份解决方案
OpenHuFu is an open-sourced data federation system to support collaborative queries over multi databases with security guarantee.
Linux Guide. Learn about Linux Hardware vendors, Linux in the Cloud, Desktop Environments, Window Mangers, Linux Distributions, Linux Security, Graphics (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel ARC), and Software Apps.
Golang implementation of the PlatON protocol
翻译 - PlatON协议的实现
Open source privacy-friendly analytics
SPU (Secure Processing Unit) aims to be a provable, measurable secure computation device, which provides computation ability while keeping your private data protected.
#计算机科学#A comprehensive list [AIM@IJCAI'21, P3M@MM'21, GFM@IJCV'22, RIM@CVPR'23, P3MNet@IJCV'23] of our research works related to image matting, including papers, codes, datasets, demos, and citations. Note: ...
#计算机科学#nGraph-HE: Deep learning with Homomorphic Encryption (HE) through Intel nGraph
翻译 - nGraph-HE:通过Intel nGraph使用同态加密(HE)进行深度学习
Differential private machine learning
A STARK-based ZKVM which aims to Programmable Scalability, Programmable Privacy
#计算机科学#DISCO is a code-free and installation-free browser platform that allows any non-technical user to collaboratively train machine learning models without sharing any private data.
Privacy preserving voluntary Covid-19 self-reporting platform. Share your location history and status, get alerts you are in high risk areas and identify high risk regions