#安全#Microsoft SEAL is an easy-to-use and powerful homomorphic encryption library.
翻译 - Microsoft SEAL是一个易于使用且功能强大的同态加密库。
#安全#An FHE compiler for C++
翻译 - 对加密数据集执行完全同态加密操作的库和工具。
#计算机科学#A unified framework for privacy-preserving data analysis and machine learning
Concrete: TFHE Compiler that converts python programs into FHE equivalent
TFHE-rs: A Pure Rust implementation of the TFHE Scheme for Boolean and Integer Arithmetics Over Encrypted Data.
#安全#Cingulata (pronounced "tchingulata") is a compiler toolchain and RTE for running C++ programs over encrypted data by means of fully homomorphic encryption techniques.
翻译 - Cingulata(发音为“ tchingulata”)是编译器工具链和RTE,用于通过完全同态加密技术在加密数据上运行C ++程序。
#区块链#A private blockDAG using Homomorphic Encryption with Smart Contract support
nGraph-HE: Deep learning with Homomorphic Encryption (HE) through Intel nGraph
翻译 - nGraph-HE:通过Intel nGraph使用同态加密(HE)进行深度学习