rqlite 是一个基于 SQLite 的分布式关系型数据库
A graph-relational database with declarative schema, built-in migration system, and a next-generation query language
翻译 - 下一代关系数据库。
#面试# A curated list of awesome System Design (A.K.A. Distributed Systems) resources.
翻译 - 精选的出色系统设计(A.K.A.分布式计算)资源列表。
Multiplayer at the speed of light
A transactional, relational-graph-vector database that uses Datalog for query. The hippocampus for AI!
A MySQL-compatible relational database with a storage agnostic query engine. Implemented in pure Go.
SQLSync is a collaborative offline-first wrapper around SQLite. It is designed to synchronize web application state between users, devices, and the edge.
GalaxySQL 是 PolarDB-X 的计算节点。PolarDB-X 是一款面向超高并发、海量存储、复杂查询场景设计的云原生分布式数据库系统。其采用 Shared-nothing 与存储计算分离架构,支持水平扩展、分布式事务、混合负载等能力,具备企业级、云原生、高可用、高度兼容 MySQL 系统及生态等特点。