GalaxySQL 是 PolarDB-X 的计算节点。PolarDB-X 是一款面向超高并发、海量存储、复杂查询场景设计的云原生分布式数据库系统。其采用 Shared-nothing 与存储计算分离架构,支持水平扩展、分布式事务、混合负载等能力,具备企业级、云原生、高可用、高度兼容 MySQL 系统及生态等特点。
PolarDB-X is a cloud native distributed SQL Database designed for high concurrency, massive storage, complex querying scenarios.
opensource distributed database with base JPA implementation and event processing support
Node.js setInterval and CRON tasks scheduler and manager for horizontally scaled multi-server applications
Docker & Ansible files for deploying Swarm and high availability Appwrite instance(s)
Example Autoscaling Horizontal Pods with Keda - Testing with k6
This repository is a nodejs based microservices built with the monorepo strategy
Materials related to my talk "Pat Helland and Me"
Autoscale a deployment based on a custom metric from prometheus (RabbitMQ)
Example of Horizontal Pods Autoscaler using minikube
Helm Chart and Container Image for Mautic
Extension for automatic timeseries partitioning of sqlite3 databases
Understanding System design from Basics to implementing big systems like Whatsapp, netflix etc
Robust Python queuing with message deduplication
Example of ready-for-scaling-out Spring Boot application
Example of scaling real-time servers, such as Websocket
[Go] Websocket gateway. Manage and scale WS easily.
A Scalable WebSocket server implementation using Redis Pub/Sub for message distribution across multiple server instances. This architecture allows for horizontal scaling via kubernetes' horizontal pod...
Horizontally Scaling Telegram Bot
🚄💨 A simulation of Docker + Nginx load balancing. Built with Go and Fiber.