#数据库#一款兼容 MySQL 协议和生态的分布式关系型数据库。兼顾事务处理与在线分析处理,实现水平伸缩,强一致性,多副本,分布式事务。
oceanbase 是蚂蚁集团自主研发的原生分布式数据库,连续 9 年稳定支撑双 11,凭借高性能和高可用真正实现应用无限扩展和服务永远在线 ,致力于为企业核心系统提供稳定可靠的数据底座。
Greenplum Database - Massively Parallel PostgreSQL for Analytics. An open-source massively parallel data platform for analytics, machine learning and AI.
翻译 - 青梅数据库
A cloud-native database based on PostgreSQL developed by Alibaba Cloud.
翻译 - POLARDB默认分支在20210901切换到main,支持计算存储分离架构。 “POLARDB_11_STABLE”是基于 PostgreSQL 11.9 的稳定分支。过去的“master”分支切换到“分布式”分支,支持分布式架构。
Analysis, Comparison, Trends, Rankings of Open Source Software, you can also get insight from more than 7 billion with natural language (powered by OpenAI). Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/o...
Hyperconverged cloud-edge native database
翻译 - 为异构工作负载打造的全球规模、云边缘原生大数据引擎
GalaxySQL 是 PolarDB-X 的计算节点。PolarDB-X 是一款面向超高并发、海量存储、复杂查询场景设计的云原生分布式数据库系统。其采用 Shared-nothing 与存储计算分离架构,支持水平扩展、分布式事务、混合负载等能力,具备企业级、云原生、高可用、高度兼容 MySQL 系统及生态等特点。
A portable embedded database using Arrow.
StoneDB is an Open-Source MySQL HTAP and MySQL-Native DataBase for OLTP, Real-Time Analytics, a counterpart of MySQLHeatWave. (https://stonedb.io)
Unified MySQL, Postgres & FlightSQL Server, Powered by DuckDB.
PolarDB-X is a cloud native distributed SQL Database designed for high concurrency, massive storage, complex querying scenarios.
In-memory, columnar, arrow-based database.
Low-Latency Transaction Scheduling via Userspace Interrupts: Why Wait or Yield When You Can Preempt? (SIGMOD 2025)
a serverless db service based on TiDB on the cloud, implementing dynamically scale the compute and storage nodes based on business load changes.
In a nutshell, EinsteinDB is a persistent indexing scheme based off of LSH-KVX that exploits the distinct merits of hash index and B+-Tree index to support range scan and avoids long NVM writes for ma...
A MySQL HTAP Database, Open Source version of MySQL Heatwave, Powered by AI&ML.