YTsaurus is a scalable and fault-tolerant open-source big data platform.
StoneDB is an Open-Source MySQL HTAP and MySQL-Native DataBase for OLTP, Real-Time Analytics, a counterpart of MySQLHeatWave. (
Another OLAP database
Python DB API client library for CrateDB, using HTTP.
A data and analytics engineering platform designed for real-time sports betting analytics.
CrateDB Toolkit, an SDK for CrateDB and CrateDB Cloud.
The Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Project. Cleaned analyzed and stored a Meal Deman Forcasting data set to a Datawarehouse using ETL processing. OLAP operations were performed by SSAS cube ...
This repository contains OLTP, ETL process (using Pentaho Data Integration), and OLAP of credit card dataset. The dataset is taken from Kaggle (
An online retail store end to end database application
This repository contains practical examples of data warehousing concepts, including star schema and ETL processes, all implemented using MySQL.
Used streamlit and to present data while manipulating SQL queries from OLAP database cloud server
This repository provides a setup for a ClickHouse database designed to handle e-commerce data. It includes Docker configurations to initialize the database and populate it with sample data for testing...
Analyze Uber Eats Menu big data for various analytics
Business Intelligence FER labs
Design, migration and data modeling of telemetry from F1 races. Implementation of an Operational Database and Business intelligence using SQL and T-SQL