#计算机科学#Python 数据科学学习笔记:深度学习 (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, 大数据 (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python 核心, AWS, Linux命令
#自然语言处理#Interactive deep learning book with multi-framework code, math, and discussions. Adopted at 500 universities from 70 countries including Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge.
翻译 - 包含代码,数学和讨论的交互式深度学习书。在多框架中可用。
#计算机科学#深度学习入门教程, 优秀文章, Deep Learning Tutorial
#计算机科学#PyTorch implementation of the U-Net for image semantic segmentation with high quality images
翻译 - U-Net的PyTorch实现,用于高质量图像的图像语义分割
#计算机科学#A fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees library, used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. Supports computa...
翻译 - 快速,可扩展,高性能的“决策树加速梯度”库,用于对Python,R,Java,C ++进行排名,分类,回归和其他机器学习任务。支持在CPU和GPU上进行计算。
#计算机科学#🏅 Collection of Kaggle Solutions and Ideas 🏅
翻译 - Ka Kaggle解决方案和想法🏅
#计算机科学#A comprehensive list of Deep Learning / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tutorials - rapidly expanding into areas of AI/Deep Learning / Machine Vision / NLP and industry specific areas suc...
翻译 - 深度学习/人工智能和机器学习教程的完整列表-迅速扩展到人工智能/深度学习/机器视觉/自然语言处理领域以及行业特定领域,例如气候/能源,汽车,零售,制药,医药,医疗保健,政策,道德规范等等。
#计算机科学#免费学代码系列:小白python入门、数据分析data analyst、机器学习machine learning、深度学习deep learning、kaggle实战
#时序数据库#1st place solution
#搜索#1st Place Solution for CrowdFlower Product Search Results Relevance Competition on Kaggle.
翻译 - Kaggle上搜索结果相关性竞赛的第一名解决方案(https://www.kaggle.com/c/crowdflower-search-relevance)
#计算机科学#PyTorch extensions for fast R&D prototyping and Kaggle farming
翻译 - PyTorch扩展可用于快速研发原型和Kaggle农业
#计算机科学#MLBox is a powerful Automated Machine Learning python library.
A searchable compilation of Kaggle past solutions
翻译 - Kaggle过去解决方案的可搜索汇编
#自然语言处理#Fast and customizable framework for automatic ML model creation (AutoML)
#计算机科学#DataScience projects for learning : Kaggle challenges, Object Recognition, Parsing, etc.
#自然语言处理#LAMA - automatic model creation framework