#计算机科学#深度学习入门教程, 优秀文章, Deep Learning Tutorial
该仓库主要记录 NLP 算法工程师相关的顶会论文研读笔记
#计算机科学#StellarGraph - Machine Learning on Graphs
翻译 - StellarGraph-图上的机器学习
#计算机科学#A distributed graph deep learning framework.
翻译 - 分布式图深度学习框架。
#计算机科学#PyTorch Geometric Temporal: Spatiotemporal Signal Processing with Neural Machine Learning Models (CIKM 2021)
翻译 - PyTorch Geometric的时间扩展库
#计算机科学#Karate Club: An API Oriented Open-source Python Framework for Unsupervised Learning on Graphs (CIKM 2020)
翻译 - 通用社区检测和网络嵌入库,用于基于NetworkX构建的研究。
#计算机科学#Next RecSys Library
翻译 - 下一个RecSys库
An index of recommendation algorithms that are based on Graph Neural Networks. (TORS)
#计算机科学#A Deep Learning library for EEG Tasks (Signals) Classification, based on TensorFlow.
#自然语言处理#resources for graph convolutional networks (图卷积神经网络相关资源)
#计算机科学#Awesome Deep Graph Clustering is a collection of SOTA, novel deep graph clustering methods (papers, codes, and datasets).
Implementation and experiments of graph neural netwokrs, like gcn,graphsage,gat,etc.
#计算机科学#A PyTorch implementation of "Cluster-GCN: An Efficient Algorithm for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks" (KDD 2019).
#计算机科学#A PyTorch implementation of "SimGNN: A Neural Network Approach to Fast Graph Similarity Computation" (WSDM 2019).
翻译 - PyTorch实现的“ SimGNN:一种用于快速图相似度计算的神经网络方法”(WSDM 2019)。
#计算机科学#常用的语义分割架构结构综述以及代码复现 华为媒体研究院 图文Caption、OCR识别、图视文多模态理解与生成相关方向工作或实习欢迎咨询 15757172165 https://guanfuchen.github.io/media/hw_zhaopin_20220724_tiny.jpg
#人脸识别#Learning to Cluster Faces (CVPR 2019, CVPR 2020)
More readable and flexible yolov5 with more backbone(gcn, resnet, shufflenet, moblienet, efficientnet, hrnet, swin-transformer, etc) and (cbam,dcn and so on), and tensorrt
#计算机科学#A repository of pretty cool datasets that I collected for network science and machine learning research.