#计算机科学#StellarGraph - Machine Learning on Graphs
翻译 - StellarGraph-图上的机器学习
#计算机科学#Class activation maps for your PyTorch models (CAM, Grad-CAM, Grad-CAM++, Smooth Grad-CAM++, Score-CAM, SS-CAM, IS-CAM, XGrad-CAM, Layer-CAM)
#人脸识别#Computer Vision library for human-computer interaction. It implements Head Pose and Gaze Direction Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Skin Detection through Backprojection, Motion Detecti...
#计算机科学#Framework-agnostic implementation for state-of-the-art saliency methods (XRAI, BlurIG, SmoothGrad, and more).
Public facing deeplift repo
#自然语言处理#Keras, PyTorch, and NumPy Implementations of Deep Learning Architectures for NLP
#计算机科学#SalGAN: Visual Saliency Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks
CVPR2020, Multi-scale Interactive Network for Salient Object Detection
📦 PyTorch based visualization package for generating layer-wise explanations for CNNs.
Predicting Human Eye Fixations via an LSTM-based Saliency Attentive Model. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2018)
#计算机科学#Demonstration using Google Colab to show how U-2-NET can be used for Background Removal, Changing Backgrounds, Bounding Box Creation, Salient Feature Highlighting and Salient Object Cropping.
#计算机科学#Implementations of some popular Saliency Maps in Keras
PySODMetrics: A Simple and Efficient Implementation of Grayscale/Binary Segmentation Metrcis
#计算机科学#Unified Image and Video Saliency Modeling (ECCV 2020)
Code for our paper "Visualizing and Understanding Atari Agents" (https://goo.gl/AMAoSc)
Pytorch implementation of various neural network interpretability methods
A Deep Multi-Level Network for Saliency Prediction. ICPR 2016
#自然语言处理#Helping AI practitioners better understand their datasets and models in text classification. From ServiceNow.