#搜索#Extremely fast faceted search engine in JavaScript - lightweight, flexible, and simple to use
Control the quality of your labeled data with the Python tools you already know.
Exercises to help improve SQL skills
json-aggregate is a javascript utility to perform aggregations on JSON-formatted data.
JS/Typescript DSL for Elasticsearch
Alternative ActiveRecord composition
Data analytics helpers for Ecto and PostgreSQL
mongodb-pipeline-builder is a pipeline builder for the db.collection.aggregate method and db.aggregate method. It will simplify pipelines by making them more readable and much easier to edit. It also ...
Course with udacity that cover SQL for data Scientists, this is my solution for the lessons and the project
#搜索#👊 0-downtime elasticsearch reindex functional utility. Automatically detect ES mapping modification and reindex modified records. Use namespaces in your indexes. Create aggregated filtering for shops...
Chat bots aggregator of different social networks
Learn to answer questions with data using SQL
[Software Development] Este é um repositório de um projeto acadêmico para prática dos fundamentos do paradigma orientado objeto (POO) com a linguagem de programação TypeScript. Utilizado em sala de au...
gonna build the Frontend
This repository contains all the source codes of consensual aggregation methods implemented in R programming. The explanations of each function and algorithm are available in my webpage: https://hasso...
#计算机科学#Tariff is a list of expenses that incur while transporting the goods from one distance to another distance. Tariff is also dependent on seasonal and non-seasonal factors also. This project is aimed at...
This repository executes tasks in a periodic sequence to precompute computationally intensive jobs within the scope of the explorer project
A Hands-On NumPy Tutorial for Data Scientists