Hyperf 是一个高性能、高灵活性的渐进式 PHP 协程框架,内置协程服务器及大量常用的组件,性能较传统基于 PHP-FPM 的框架有质的提升,提供超高性能的同时,也保持着极其灵活的可扩展性,标准组件均基于 PSR 标准 实现,基于强大的依赖注入设计,保证了绝大部分组件或类都是 可替换 与 可复用 的。
Python Classes Without Boilerplate
翻译 - 没有样板的Python类
Role and Attribute based Access Control for Node.js
翻译 - 基于角色和属性的Node.js访问控制
Tools, custom attributes, drawers, hierarchy overlay, and other extensions for the Unity Editor.
Free inspector attributes for Unity [Custom Editor, Custom Inspector, Inspector Attributes, Attribute Extensions]
Take your Eloquent Models to the next level
A powerful and easy-to-use operational logging system that supports analysis of changes in object properties. 强大且易用的操作日志记录系统,支持对象属性的变化分析。
⚔️ A plugin for Godot to create your gameplay systems in a Godot way.
🔥 Error handling library with context, assertion, stack trace and source fragments
Role based access control using actions, attributes and sync and async conditions
Observable typed attributes for Python classes
⚠️ [ABANDONED] Rinvex Attributable is a robust, intelligent, and integrated Entity-Attribute-Value model (EAV) implementation for Laravel Eloquent, with powerful underlying for managing entity attribu...
Simplify operation NSAttributedString, make writing easier. Attributes String Editing Factory. iOS 富文本编辑, 让代码更清晰. 文本编辑, 高度计算, 正则匹配等待... 简便操作, 让你爽到爆!
🔥 Fire events on attribute changes of your Eloquent model
Object-Oriented Programming concepts, with Python
Collection of tools for Unity DOTS. Including Utility AI, Tweens, attributes and buffs/modifiers, etc...
Cross-platform C++17 Runtime Reflection Library