Take your Eloquent Models to the next level
Laravel Useful Casts is a simple package for Laravel 7.0+ that comes with already-tested and already-written, useful casts for Eloquent models.
Полный набор типов и методов, автоматически сгенерированные из документации Telegram bot API.
A learning path for mastering the C++ language and its standard library that cover classes, memory allocation, polymorphism, exceptions, templates, container types and more.
Introduction to C++. 42 Madrid cursus project.
C++ programming, modules from CPP00 to CPP09 from 42 common core.
CPP06 Module: dynamic casts, const casts and static casts.
#算法刷题#Réalisations personnelles pour les exercices C++ (cpp05 à cpp09), explorant la programmation orientée objet, ... , la gestion de la mémoire et d'autres concepts avancés, conformément aux directives de...
Set of tasks for learning C++
My version of the last 42 school cpp projects
C++98 exercises on Explores scalar type conversions, serialization, and real type identification in C++. The exercises implement advanced castings and type manipulations in compliance with C++98 stand...