Example code for Fluent Python, 2nd edition (O'Reilly 2022)
Extra iterator adaptors, iterator methods, free functions, and macros.
Methods for working with iterators in ECMAScript
翻译 - 在 ECMAScript 中使用迭代器的方法
Fast CSV parser and writer for Modern C++
Features from the rust language in javascript: Provides Traits/Type classes & a hashing infrastructure and an advanced library for working with sequences/iterators in js
Efficient transducers for Julia
Implements a fixed-capacity stack-allocated Vec alternative backed by an array, using const generics.
Make your async components compact and descriptive by leveraging the power of the language features
Nim rewrite of a very popular Python module of the same name.
A FREE and open-source workshop about JavaScript iteration protocols: iterator, iterable, async iterator, async iterable
Fast, safe and composable streaming abstractions.
#Awesome#🦄 List of useful modules for working with async iterables