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🎮 PIU simulator for the GBA.
Getting Start with Front-End Journey with Sheryians Coding Schools (Front-End Domination : Create any thing with Code )
An advanced Angular2 Webpack Starter project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ng2-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (*native* mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) a...
#安卓#An Android & Kotlin Reactive Advanced Logging Framework.
Advance logger for node.js application. Middleware for express.
Here I am uploading data structure and algorithm codes.
ZestRouter is a small but powerful routing class for php
Python 进阶知识的文档网站,主要包括 Python 在主流应用领域的方向路线、日常的开发工具及规范设计、Python 常用包与模块、高级核心专题、进阶书籍的阅读笔记总结、主流 Web 开发框架、工程实践及部分源码剖析的经验总结等。(长期持续更新中...)
Automation system to disconnect charger of laptop once battery is 100% and again connect it once battery levels are below the set threshold. It has been achieved using Python script and Micro Controll...
This repo have my codes written in JavaScript.
In today's world, Image processing is everywhere and in the future, everything will be dependent on it only. In this repo, I have demonstrated some of the basics of PIP (Python Image Processing)